Setup security

The security configuration in this section applies to the login in the extension itself, not the management console. Enabling SSO as a login option also allows users to log into the management console

Why do we need additional security if we're already in an authenticated Tableau environment? The reason is that our extension runs in a separate frame within your Tableau dashboard, and it cannot directly access the username from Tableau. This requires us to add an extra layer of authentication."

We recommend using tableau Sync to synchronize all users from tableau that need to be able to login into the extension.

Option 1: Username + Password

This is the basic username + password authentication method. You can configure username and password in the Users section. This method will force every user which uses the extension to login first.

When also using the tableau user sync, the administrator should manually set a password for every user.

Option 2: Single Sign On (SSO)

WriteBackExtreme supports Single Sign-On through SAML. Any provider supporting SAML is supported by WriteBackExtreme. Look at our examples to get an idea of what is needed to setup SSO.

Option 3: Tableau Authentication

Using the REST API you’re able to authenticate any user with Tableau Server or Tableau Online. If the Username and Password matches an account on Tableau Server the extension will start. This will need to be a local Tableau account, not a SSN. Fill in the details of your Tableau environment under the security tab. Note: This security method only works with Authentication Mode ‘Tableau’. You can find this on Tableau Server/Online on the Users page.

Option 4: Pincode

Create and share a pincode which all users will need to enter before having access to the extension. This can be any number combination digit between 4-6 digits. There’s an option to only allow administrators or all users.

Option 5: No Authentication (testing only)

This is the default authentication method, we recommend to only use for testing purposes. Usernames will be tracked using the username field in Tableau. It is the least secure, but it is perfectly usable in a closed environment. You can choose if Admin accounts can also use the extension. No authentication, any user with access to the dashboard can interact with the extension.

Last updated