
  1. Be sure you have the latest driver installed from the snowflake website

  2. In ODBC Administrator, Go to the `User DSN` tab and press the `Add` button.

  3. Select the SnowflakeDSIIDriver

  4. Fill in at least these fields:

    1. Data source (this is the key you define to identify your connection, this is the DSN name you need when creating the connection in the management console)

    2. User

    3. Password

    4. Server

    5. Schema

    6. Warehouse

  5. Click the test button to confirm that your connection data is correct

  6. Click the OK Button to save the changes

  7. Make sure to set NoExecuteInSQLPrepare to true in ODBC configuration. (link)

  8. Now it is time to create a connection in the management console.


Make sure to set NoExecuteInSQLPrepare=true in ODBC configuration. (link)

This should be set in your windows registry.

Last updated