Docker compose

In the following example, we show how easy it is to set up a WriteBackExtreme application instance using the Docker Compose method:

version: '3'

    container_name: writebackextreme
      # not commented are required environment variables
      - WBE_LICENSE={License value}
      # note: https:// is automatically be added.
      - WBE_URL={external available domain}
      - 8899:8090
      - writebackextreme_data:/app_data

# Create a volume to make the config, sqlite database and logs 
# folder persistend between startup's and updates.

Now you can run the docker compose up command to start the composed Docker service.

Don't forget to add the -d to the startup command to "detach" the process, and run it in the background.

Changing repository database

By default WriteBackExtreme Docker is configured to use sqlite as repository database. Via environment variables we have been able to support 3 other databases, to be used as repository database:

Checkout there documentation for setup environment variables to connect with the repository database.

Update WriteBackExtreme container with a new version

If a new version is available, run the following commands to update:

# First stop the current running instance:
docker-compose stop
# Download/update the latest version based upon image name in the docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose update
# start the docker-compose again, add -d for detatching the docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

Last updated

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