Docker standalone

First we need to create a Docker volume so we can make the configuration file, SQLite database and logs persistent.

docker volume create writeback_data

Via this method it can be as easy as running the following command

docker run -it --pull always \
    -v writeback_data:/app_data \
    -p 8899:8090 \
    --name writeback-extreme \
    -e "WBE_LICENSE=..your license here.." \
    -e "WBE_URL=localhost:8899" \

Don't forget to change the WBE_URL to a proper external domain. Current given domain is a example.

# --pull always will download latest image of `appsfortableau/writeback-extreme:latest`
# -d to detatch command to back, run command in the background.

Change latest into one of the following to get more control over the version: e.g. 4 or 4.1 or full version 4.2.1

Once the container is running, open the URL (e.g. above: http://localhost:8899) in your browser and click on "Go to the backend."

Management console username & password

When using SQLite as a repository database, the docker run command will display the initial credentials for the management console.

When using a different database (e.g. Postgresql, Mysql or SQL Server) you need to pass the credentials as variables like this:

    -e "WBE_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin" \
    -e "WBE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=VeryS3cureP@sword" \
    -e "WBE_ADMIN_DISPLAYNAME=Administrator" \ 

After stopping the container

(Re)Start the container after closing the command can done via:

# start previous ran docker container:
docker start writeback-extreme

Changing accessible port

By default port 8090 is exposed. In certain scenario's port 8090 is not available, the port can be change via the docker run command by adding -p {port}:8090. Where in port 8090 is the internal application port. Replace {port} with the desire port.

Changing repository database

By default WriteBackExtreme Docker is configured to use sqlite as repository database. Via environment variables we have been able to support 3 other databases, to be used as repository database:

Checkout there documentation for setup environment variables to connect with the repository database.

Update WriteBackExtreme container with a new version

If a new version is available, run the following commands to update:

docker pull
# or when having a targetted version to only fetch patches
docker pull
# Stop docker container from running
docker stop writeback-extreme
# start docker container
docker rm writeback-extreme

Last updated

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