Docker compose

Our Docker images are currently in BETA and are not production-ready, even though the WriteBackExtreme application is a production product.

In the following example, we show how easy it is to set up a WriteBackExtreme application instance using the Docker Compose method:

version: '3'

    container_name: writebackextreme
      # not commented are required environment variables
      - WBE_LICENSE={License value}
      - WBE_URL={external available url}
      #- WBE_NUM_WORKERS=4
      - 8899:8090
      - writebackextreme_data:/app_data

# Create a volume to make the config, sqlite database and logs 
# folder persistend between startup's and updates.

Now you can run the docker compose up command to start the composed Docker service.

Don't forget to add the -d to the startup command to "detach" the process, and run it in the background.

All available image versions can be found here.

Update WriteBackExtreme container with a new version

If a new version is available, run the following commands to update:

# First stop the current running instance:
docker-compose stop
# Download/update the latest version based upon image name in the docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose update
# start the docker-compose again, add -d for detatching the docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

Last updated