Docker standalone

Our Docker images are currently in BETA and are not production-ready, even though the WriteBackExtreme application is a production product.

First we need to create a Docker volume so we can make the configuration file, SQLite database and logs persistent.

docker volume create writeback_data

Via this method it can be as easy as running the following command

docker run -it --pull always \
    -v writeback_data:/app_data \
    -p 8899:8090 \
    --name writeback-extreme \
    -e "WBE_LICENSE=..your license here.." \
    -e "WBE_URL=localhost:8899" \

Don't forget to change the WBE_URL to a proper external URL. Current given domain is a example.

# --pull always will download latest image of `appsfortableau/writeback-extreme:latest`
# -d to detatch command to back, run command in the background.

Change latest into one of the following to get more control over the version: e.g. 4 or 4.1 or full version 4.2.1

Check out our GitHub package to find the latest version.

Once the container is running, open the URL (e.g. above: http://localhost:8899) in your browser and click on "Go to the backend."

Credentials for the initial administrator user will be shown in the command!

After stopping the container

(Re)Start the container after closing the command can done via:

# start previous ran docker container:
docker start writeback-extreme

Note: the docker start command only works with named (via --name in the docker run command) containers, otherwise you have to look up the container ID with docker containers command.

Changing accessible port

By default port 8090 is exposed. In certain scenario's port 8090 is not available, the port can be change via the docker run command by adding -p {port}:8090. Where in port 8090 is the internal application port. Replace {port} with the desire port.

Read more about port forwarding for Docker containers here.

Changing repository database and/or generate configuration file

To install the application from scratch, run the installer command on the binary. Since the application binary is referenced in the Dockerfile entrypoint, you can do this easily by:

docker run -it -p {custom port}:{custom port} \
    -v $PWD:/app_data \
    --name writeback-extreme \ \
    installer --port {custom port}

If you have added the -v flag (volume mounting) in the command, you'll have a properly generated wbe.config.yaml, and it is no longer necessary to pass a value in the WBE_LICENSE and WBE_URL variables. The wbe.config.yaml does not contain the environment variable replacement values due to being overwritten during the installation process.

Update WriteBackExtreme container with a new version

If a new version is available, run the following commands to update:

docker pull
# or when having a targetted version to only fetch patches
docker pull
# Stop docker container from running
docker stop writeback-extreme
# start docker container
docker rm writeback-extreme

All available image versions can be found here.