Setting up SuperTables as a Viz extension

Let's setup SuperTables in Dashboard. Let's get started!

1. Prepare a Worksheet

Create a worksheet containing the data for SuperTables. We will be using the Superstore dataset for this guide.

  1. Create a New Worksheet: For example, Name it 'ST Worksheet'.

  2. Add Data: Drag all columns from the left pane into the 'Detail' marks card.

2. Add SuperTables to Your WorkSheet

  1. Add The Extension: Navigate to the Marks Pane and Select Add Viz Extension from the dropdown.

  1. Import SuperTables:

    • If you have a TREX file:

      • Click on 'Access Local Extensions'

      • Navigate to the TREX file and select the TREX file.

    • Alternatively:

      • Search for SuperTables in the Tableau Exchange

      • Click Open.

  2. Authorize Extension: Click ‘OK’ to allow the extension to run in your dashboard.

3. Configure SuperTables

Set up SuperTables for your data.

  1. Open Configuration: Click Format Extension on the Marks Pane to open the configuration window.

  1. Apply Settings: Hit ‘Apply & Close’ to view your data in SuperTables.

Now, explore all the powerful features SuperTables offers.

For more information on configuring SuperTables, check out the detailed Configuration Screen documentation.

Last updated