
MailScheduler should be installed at /usr/local/share/mailscheduler

Download, copy & unzip

  1. Create a directory for mailscheduler

    mkdir /usr/local/share/mailscheduler

  2. Upload the mailscheduler-enterprise-linux-*.zip file to your machine and copy it to /usr/local/share/mailscheduler

  3. Go to /usr/local/share/mailscheduler

  4. Unzip the downloaded package and remove the zip afterwards unzip && rm

Start installation server

The installation procedure of MailScheduler is performed via a web interface. Executing the binary will start a webserver that exposes an endpoint. Navigate to this endpoint in the browser to configure the application.

sudo /usr/local/share/mailscheduler/mailscheduler-amd64

  1. Follow any on-screen prompts as needed. Upon successful installation, the application will automatically initiate its installation/upgrade process. The installation completion prompt typically appears as follows:

  2. The distinction between “Network” and “Local” lies in the accessibility of the provided IP/URL. When set to “Network,” the application can be accessed from within the network, while “Local” restricts access to the local machine only.

  3. Open the appropriate “Network” URL in a web browser to commence the application installation process. Once the installation and configuration procedures are concluded, it is strongly advised to close the installation/configuration interface.

When you require another port for the configuration you can run the installer manually with a port flag with this command:

sudo /usr/local/share/mailscheduler/mailscheduler-amd64 installer --port=8080

Last updated