Change log

Change log

[4.2.0] - UNRELEASED

  • Exports to Excel create hyperlinked cells if they are hyperlinked in SuperTables

  • Added option to group the columns in the sidebar on dimensions and measures.

  • Added option to hide new columns added to the datasheet.

  • Added conditional formatting of text color to entire row.

  • Added the option to automatically set the bounds of the bar chart to the minimum and maximum values of the visible data.

  • Disabled hover effect on rows with conditionally formatted background colors.

  • Fixed an issue with calculation columns not being colored in tableau and excel.

  • Fixed aggregated values of calculated columns when the aggregation is set to Sum/Avg....

  • Added option to switch worksheet based on a parameter value.

  • Added option to change vertical alignment of text when using fixed row height.

  • Added aggregation options for formulas.

  • Added option to expand or collapse pivot(s) using the context menu.

  • Added a new aggregation function called 'Selective Aggregation' to conditionally aggregate values.

  • Added menu option to reorder the columns in pivot mode.

  • [Enterprise Only] Added the option to use the image proxy server for images in the Excel export.

  • Added more configuration options to the formula panel like color, formatting and alignment settings.

[4.1.6] - 17-06-2024

  • [Enterprise Only] SSL certificate validation is now optional when there is no OpenSSL installed on the hosting system.

[4.1.5] - 14-06-2024

  • Enhanced the Auto Aggregation feature to seamlessly update across different pivot modes and multiple layouts.

[4.1.4] - 06-06-2024

  • [Enterprise only] Resolved issue when the trex download page (/trex) would return 'undefined' as the hostname for the SuperTables extension.

[4.1.3] - 04-06-2024

  • [Enterprise only] Improved Proxy Image Server to remove <script></script> tags from SVG Images.

  • [Enterprise only] Improved SSL support and error handling in the binary executable.

  • Improved Dynamic Aggregation of columns in pivot mode.

  • Improved formula builder to disable the 'Add' button when the formula is not valid.

  • By default in pivot mode, the dimensional columns will be added to row grouping when checked in the columns sidebar. If the show aggregation is enabled, the column will be added in the values section.

  • Fixed an issue when exporting conditionally formatted cells in pivot mode to Excel. The conditional formatting was not applied to the exported cells.

  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip padding could not be changed.

  • Fixed an issue where using columns with AGG() in their name as the URL field would not work.

  • Fixed an issue where negative values could not be properly abbreviated (-10K, -150M).

[4.1.2] - 26-03-2024

  • Added "Total Pivot Rows" and "Filtered Pivot Rows" labels in the status bar for pivot mode.

  • Fixed a bug affecting Excel exports with grouping enabled.

  • Fixed a bug to ensure the configuration page uses the data fetching method set in settings.

  • Removed the "Keep Only" and "Exclude" options in the context menu for pivot mode.

[4.1.1] - 22-03-2024

  • Added option to set both filter styles (list and wildcards).

[4.1.0] - 14-03-2024

  • Added option to use the new paginated method of loading data.

  • Fixed conditional background coloring of columns that use calculated column's value.

  • Improved column filter functionality: Now supports up to 20 filter values for each column filter.

  • Improved CSV Export: Grouped row values will now be displayed in all the group cells.

  • Fixed pivot column ordering when the column is a date field and the date format is set to 'WW' for the week number.

  • Improved Inline filters to include both the search option and the filter values by selection (checkboxes).

  • Added floating filters to grouping columns.

  • Improved column header tooltip. The tooltip will only appear when it has been configured.

[4.0.4] - 14-02-2024

  • Fixed the 'Enable formulas panel' option in configuration.

[4.0.3] - 08-02-2024

  • Improved renaming calculated fields throwing an error.

  • Improved exporting to Excel not working when using custom sorting.

  • Improved exporting to Excel with separators.

[4.0.2] - 23-01-2024

  • Improved background coloring of dimensions not always working.

[4.0.1] - 23-01-2024

  • Improved grouping of values when conditional coloring of measures.

[4.0.0] - 22-01-2024


  • Column groups: We've improved and streamlined the process of creating and managing column groups, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

    • Column groups can now be effortlessly managed via a new, dedicated page accessible from the data tab in the configuration settings.

    • Personalise your column groups with enhanced customisation options, including the ability to independently style the background and font colours of each header cell.

    • When using the greater then (>) sign in the column name, an option appears to escape the (>) character and it will be treated as part of the name.

  • Added option to color the font and background of each column header individually.

  • Manual sort order of column values.

    • A custom sort order can be set for columns with less then 100 unique values.

    • Ordering can be set on the datacolumn configuration page by dragging the values in the desired custom order.

  • Added options to configure display units for measures (Thousands, Millions, Billions, Trillions).

  • Added an option to configure the column header alignment (left, center, right).

  • Enhanced Excel Export: Now features a 'Grand Totals' row at the bottom of each exported table, just like it appears in SuperTables. It's included by default, so there's no extra work needed.

  • Added 2 new operators in the If-Else Formula Builder: 'And' and 'Or'. These operators can be used to create more complex conditions and combine multiple conditions into one.

  • Added a new option to the hamburger menu per column that lets you configure autosize columns (width) to the window size.

  • Added advanced filter option in configuration. This filter allows you to filter on multiple columns and values at once with And and Or operators. The builder can also be used to create complex filters with multiple conditions.

  • Added an option to conditionally color all the cells based on the same or a different column (continuous or discrete).

  • Added new Theme options to style the totals and sub totals rows. These styles will also be applied in the Excel export.

  • Added new option to add floating export buttons to the table. These buttons can be used for a one click export of the SuperTable to Excel, CSV or PDF.

  • Added a new option to make group rows sticky. This option will make the group rows stick to the top of the table when scrolling down.


  • Fixed a filtering issue where columns containing a dot ('.') in their name would not be filtered correctly.

  • Fixed the column background color when grouping the column or using the column in pivot mode.

  • Fixed a bug with tooltip where using a column as an image URL would add an additional space at the end of the URL.

  • Fixed disappearing group rows when using the 'Hide parent group row' without 'Use multiple columns for grouping'. Now the parent group row will only be hidden when using the 'Use multiple columns for grouping' option.

  • Fixed a bug with background color in the theming section where the background color would not be applied to the odd rows in row banding.

  • Fixed an issue with the Multiple Values (list) filter style not working correctly.

  • Improved security and bumping of dependencies to latest and most secure versions.

[3.4.6] - 09-11-2023

  • Fixed grid update when only the data of the datasheet changes.

[3.4.5] - 17-10-2023

  • Improved styling inconsistency with barchart backgrounds.

[3.4.4] - 12-10-2023

  • Improved styling where selecting a row was not showing a full row selection.

  • Improved text not always wrapping which prevented auto row height to work.

[3.4.3] - 04-09-2023

  • Improved Excel and CSV export names not matching the configured name.

  • Improved grouped column's name not being shown in the rows when enabled.

  • Improved tooltip showing row count when disabled.

[3.4.2] - 01-09-2023

  • Improved landing page.

[3.4.1] - 24-08-2023

  • Improved state parameter not storing the state when it was empty.

  • Improved the down-arrow icon not showing in the formula builder sidebar.

  • Improved the double percent (%%) showing up for calculated fields of type percentage.

[3.4.0] - 28-07-2023

  • Formula Builder: Added a formula builder to create calculated fields. The end users can now create their own custom-calculated fields in SuperTables.

  • If Else Formula Builder: Added an if else formula builder to create conditional calculated fields. This feature is available to both SuperTables configurators and their end users.

  • Tooltip: Added Tooltip functionality to SuperTables, create multiple tooltips with text, images and more. Find the tooltip configuration as a new tab in the settings.

  • Added option to format negative values as positive values (absolute).

  • Added option for the grand totals to be visible at the top of the table.

  • Added subtotals to be visible at the top of the grouped rows.

  • Added an option to hide the index column in the columns side panel.

  • Improved the configuration layout by making the buttons fixed at the bottom.

  • Removed the product guide due to issues with its website cookies.

[3.3.4] - 23-05-2023

  • Reverted to older data fetching method, Extensions API v1.10 is causing SuperTables to crash when no data is present in the datasheet.

  • [Enterprise Only] Improved enterprise binary executable.

[3.3.3] - 10-05-2023

  • [Enterprise Only] Improved enterprise binary executable.

[3.3.2] - 02-05-2023

  • Fix for grouped column calculation with pivot mode.

[3.3.1] - 01-05-2023

  • Fix for export to csv.

[3.3.0] - 25-04-2023

  • Added option to prevent users to be able to select multiple rows

  • Added paginated data loading support when opening SuperTables.

  • Added option to prevent users to be able to select multiple rows.

  • Added option to set the file name of Excel and CSV export.

  • Changed configuration modal to a non blocking popup.

  • Changed popup mode modal to a non blocking popup.

  • Changed OK button to Apply & Close.

  • Fixed background color not showing in excel export.

  • Fixed export to csv/excel when setting Export all rows except last level is ON.

  • Fixed Excel export without thousands seperator.

  • Added currency validity check. Not supported in Tableau Desktop.

  • [Enterprise Only] Added auditing option for exports. The audits are stored in a log file on the server.

  • [Enterprise Only] Implemented our new enterprise installer. Make sure to read our latest upgrade guide on the website.

  • [Enterprise Only] New enterprise binary with improved and additional features.

[3.2.2] - 22-02-2023

  • Fixed issue with null values showing up while using the date filter.

[3.2.1] - 02-02-2023

  • Fixed bug for 'Enable URL actions for grouped values'.

[3.2.0] - 01-02-2023

  • Added option to enable disable URL actions for grouped values. Appearance -> grouping options.

  • Added option to set a fixed background color for a column.

  • Added option to set the order of value columns in pivot.

  • Added option to set order of column labels in pivot.

  • Added option to hide (sub)total values.

  • Added option to set conditional formatting of dimensions based on a value column.

  • Fixed excel export not having styling on measures.

  • Fixed right click menu from disappearing on the columns.

  • Fixed count distinct on pivot label columns.

  • Fixed URL actions for blank cells.

[3.1.3] - 21-12-2022

  • Fixed disabling aggregated while grouping.

[3.1.2] - 30-11-2022

  • Fixed issue with specific SuperTables configuration ending in an endless loading screen with version 3.1.0.

[3.1.1] - 28-11-2022

  • Grouping bar will now have a scrollbar when the amount of grouped fields does not fit in the grouping bar. The scrollbar will be visible when you hover over the grouping bar.

  • Fixed sorting on dates with quarters.

  • Fixed crash in exporting to Excel when date column contains a blank (null).

  • Improved UX in configuration when using a parameter to store multiple views.

[3.1.0] - 10-11-2022

  • New theme option:

    • Change font size of SuperTables.

  • [Export to Excel] Background and text coloring on dimensions, measures and/or calculations will be included in the export to Excel.

  • [Export to Excel] Improved layout of group rows. Groups will now automatically indent, are bold and have an improved look and feel.

  • [Export to Excel] Fixed export to Excel not always showing dates formatted.

  • [Export to Excel and CSV] Fixed exporting a pivot table not including column headers.

  • [Export to PDF] Improved export to PDF, catched some bugs.

  • Fixed filtering not working in pivot mode.

  • Fixed sorting on date fields when using custom formatting like DD-MM-YYYY.

  • Fixed parameter layout switching for dashboard viewers.

  • Improved license check for SuperTables enterprise customers.

  • Added separate restrictions for all export types.

[3.0.2] - 11-10-2022

  • Added option to set the null value for every column.

  • Fixed dates exported to Excel having wrong timezone.

  • When exporting to CSV the formatted values will be used.

  • Fixed calculated fields showing a blank cell instead of a 0 when the result is 0.

[3.0.1] - 16-09-2022

  • Fixed exporting to Excel throwing error on dates.

  • Fixed custom formatting for dates not properly grouping.

  • Fixed changing aggregation for measures option not visible in certain cases.

  • Fixed option to set fixed row height.

[3.0.0] - 01-09-2022

  • Dynamic Aggregation using Tableau parameters. Users can show/hide columns in SuperTables and the data will automatically aggregate to the right level. Make sure to follow our product guide to set this up.

  • New: Date range filter! Select a date range to filter on.

  • Added support for Count Distinct. You can now aggregate dimensions on Count, Count Distinct, First and Last.

  • When exporting dates, numbers and currencies to Excel, the correct datatype is set and recognized by Excel.

  • Added product guide to the configuration pane.

  • Added option to add filter event listeners to worksheets with other datasources. This is useful when using blends on your datasheet and use filters from the blended datasource in your dashboard.

  • Fixed showing null values on empty values in your dataset. Now show an empty string, making the look cleaner.

  • Save the current SuperTable layout when using pivot mode to a parameter. This way it is restored when you open your dashboard again.

  • Calculated fields now take filtering into account. Easily observe the totals of columns even with the filtering.

  • Fixed the default aggregation configuration, which was not always configurable.

  • Fixed functionality of the bar chart.

  • Fixed text alignment not always working.

  • Now it is possible to add a + sign in front of a positive number.

  • Added grouping option to show opened group names on the rows below. This is useful when the user scrolls down through the children of the group and the row showing what group was opened is scrolled out of view.

  • Fixed column width not being saved in pivot mode.

  • Fixed measures disappearing when using a column label in pivot mode.

  • Improved auto expand when grouping after filter.

  • Fixed 'copy row(s) with headers' not working.

[2.9.1] - 15-07-2022

  • Improved layout when using compact and non compact mode.

  • Lots of accessibility improvements!

  • Enhanced Accessibility mode - Supertables now has an option to force column and row rendering. With enhanced accessibility mode all rows and columns will be rendered in the HTML for screenreaders even the rows and columns which are not visible on the screen.

  • Improved keyboard navigation for screenreaders.

  • An invisible heading is added to make the screenreaders identify the SuperTables container.

  • Added ARIA standard tags which explain actions and roles to the visually impaired.

  • [Enterprise only] - Now you can edit and have custom ARIA labels. This is a great way to make your table more accessible for users from different countries.

[2.9.0] - 23-06-2022

  • Use native Tableau fonts! Users with Tableau 2021.4 or higher can use the font set in the workbook formatting. You can enable this option in the theming section.

  • Export to PDF, you can now export the content of SuperTables to PDF.

  • [Enterprise only] - Export image columns to PDF will show the actual image instead of a link.

  • Compact mode has been revamped to show a more dense grid.

  • New theme options:

    • Total and subtotal row background color.

    • Total and subtotal text color.

  • You can now use compact mode in combination with select checkboxes and auto row height.

  • Loading screen is now by default white to align better with dashboards, Enterprise users can overwrite this color with custom CSS features.

  • Upgraded to latest version of Extensions API v1.8.1.

  • New grouping option: unbalanced groups. If there are rows containing null or undefined values for the column that is being grouped then these rows will not be grouped.

    • If there are rows containing null or undefined values you can select a different column to replace the group value with.

  • New grouping option: rename empty group values, if a grouping row is null or blank you can rename this value with a value of your likings.

  • New appearance option to disable the hamburger menu when hovering over the column header (filter menu).

[2.8.1] - 14-04-2022

  • Added an extra option in the appearance tab to have a custom notification in case of 'No data available'.

  • Improved accessibility by adding language attributes to HTML tags.

  • [Enterprise] Now the text for Total and Sub total can be translated within the localization file.

[2.8.0] - 29-03-2022

  • Added ability to store multiple layouts of SuperTables in a parameter (list) and use this parameter to quickly toggle between different layouts. This allows you to serve multiple layouts like a pivot view, grouped view and normal view to the end-users in only 1 SuperTable. You can find this option in the Appearance tab -> event listeners.

[2.7.1] - 03-03-2022

  • Fixed cell URL actions not working when grouping. If you are using dynamic values in the url like <Category> it will use the first row found in the grouped data to generate the url.

  • Fixed cell URL actions not working with images when grouping.

  • Fixed cell alignment when checkbox to select entire row is disabled.

[2.7.0] - 22-02-2022

  • Theming support! Customize SuperTables colors with your visual identity using our brand new theming configurator!

  • Hide group bar option will now always hide the group bar, even when grouping.

[2.6.6] - 09-02-2022

  • Fixed export to excel showing %null% for null values instead of blank cells.

[2.6.5] - 02-02-2022

  • Fixed bug where a dimension with type Image and with a URL action crashing the table when grouping.

[2.6.4] - 18-01-2022

  • Fixed issue where null values show a %null% instead of a blank cell.

  • Fixed issue where filtering on measures < or > 0 would also include null values.

[2.6.3] - 23-12-2021

  • Fixed issue where images were resizing 2 times with the latest release.

[2.6.2] - 16-12-2021

  • Fixed issue where headernames would crash extension

  • Improved calculations support for NULLs.

[2.6.1] - 10-12-2021

  • [FIX] Improvement in calculations for pivot mode.

[2.6.0] - 10-12-2021

  • [PIVOT] Fixed calculations in pivot mode.

  • [PIVOT] Improved the state of pivot mode. It will now remember which values to show.

  • Stability improvement for measures.

  • Subgroups are now also collapse as part of a group. The first group will always stay visible.

  • Totals are now shown in bold font. PS: enterprise customers have the freedom to fully customize the grid using our enterprise custom CSS feature.

  • Bumped grid to from 25.3.1 to 26.2.0.

  • Upgraded deprecations.

  • Improved performance of initial loading a bit.

[2.5.2] - 30-11-2021

  • Improved multilanguage support.

  • Improved regex to remove aggregation from measures.

  • Improved displaying of dimensions with () in the name.

  • New option to always show sorting icon on every header name.

[2.5.1] - 25-11-2021

  • Added security check when copy cell data with CTRL/CMD+c when not allowed.

  • Added clear all filters button in context menu.

[2.5.0] - 11-11-2021

  • Fixed quickfilter removing spaces

  • Bumped grid to from 24.0.0 to 25.3.1

[2.4.5] - 09-11-2021

  • Fixed the following restrictions:

    • User can copy data

    • User can export data

[2.4.4] - 19-10-2021

  • Sandbox message updated and removed registration form.

[2.4.3] - 15-10-2021

  • Improved grouped rows show a black background when using conditional formatted backgrounds with gradients.

  • [Enterprise] Improved the external event to toggle columns with buttons outside the extension. You can now also toggle groups, subgroups and below.

[2.4.2] - 11-10-2021

  • Improved sorting of NULL values. Aligned with Tableau methodology.

  • Improved compatibility with WriteBackExtreme field types

    • Added support for emoji type fields

    • Added support for Markdown type fields

[2.4.1] - 29-09-2021


  • Added Hide/Show Group Count option to group context menu

  • Added option to limit the number of rows exported to Excel.

[2.4.0] - 23-09-2021


  • Fixed grouped rows show a black background when using conditional formatted backgrounds with gradients.

[2.3.0] - 07-09-2021


  • Columns will now be sorted ascending by default when creating a new SuperTable.

  • New dashboard action! You can now create a dashboard action to show and hide dashboard objects like containers and visuals. This adds great new possibilities to show extra visuals when you click on a row in SuperTables.

  • [Enterprise] You can now add custom HTML and Javascript above or below the SuperTable through the new before_table and after_table divs.

  • [Enterprise] New external event to toggle columns with buttons outside the extension. With this feature you can create custom HTML buttons to hide/show columns from SuperTables.

  • [Enterprise] Added a custom.js file in the static folder for external events with example code

  • [Enterprise] Added more example code to custom.css

[2.2.1] - 23-08-2021


  • Minor bug fix in trial

[2.2.0] - 14-07-2021


  • Enable Performance booster option. Because the new Extensions API v1.5 performance feature is not working well for SSAS cubes we have made the performance boost an optional feature you need to enable. Find it under the Appearance tab at the top!

  • New dimension style: HTML, display column as raw HTML. You can format the content of the cell with HTML!

  • Fixed sorting measures with null values

  • Use custom font color with conditional formatted backgrounds for measures and calculations. Sometimes the automatically calculated text color was not readable enough.

[2.1.1] - 24-06-2021


  • Manual pagination size. Or leave empty for automatic pagination size

[2.1.0] - 22-06-2021


  • Major Performance improvements

  • Upgraded to Extensions API V1.5

  • Please use Tableau 2021.2 to enjoy the most of this performance update.

  • Changed string values from formattedValue to value. Therefore we do not support Tableau aliases anymore. The benefit is a 30-40% performance improvement on Tableau 2021.2

[2.0.3] - 05-05-2021


  • Added a 'Refresh data' menu item in the context menu. This triggers a refresh of the data in the table.

  • Allow multiple rows to be selected with clicks: If you click to select one row and then click to select another row, the first row will stay selected as well. Clicking a selected row in this mode will deselect the row. This is useful for touch devices where Ctrl and Shift clicking is not an option.

  • Removed deprecated row banding feature.

[2.0.2] - 30-04-2021


  • Slightly changed the appearance tab options order

  • Added option to hide to parent row when group is expanded. Saves space and aligns better with Tableau hierarchies. You can find the option under Appearance -> Grouping Options.

  • Added option to hide the number of rows counter behind a group row

[2.0.1] - 29-04-2021


  • Clear selection, right click on any cell in the table and select 'clear selection'. This will deselect any range selection and/or checked checkbox.

  • Exclude parameters from parameter event listeners. Select any parameter to be excluded from the event listener. This enables multiple SuperTables on the dashboard without the parameter updates are interfering with each other.

[2.0.0] - 07-04-2021


  • We have added multilanguage support for Tableau server/online. You can now develop AND use the extension in any language! It keeps working when opening the extension on a Tableau server/online with a different locale.

[1.19.6] - 25-03-2021


  • Fixed suppress column in sidebar

[1.19.5] - 23-03-2021


  • New enterprise and share build process

[1.19.4] - 02-02-2021

  • Added new feature: Only show SuperTables in a popup when the datasheet contains data.

  • Improved build process

[1.19.3] - 24-12-2020

  • Fixed word wrapping not wrapping full words

  • Added 2 event listeners to improve auto row height with images:

    • Scrolling: whenever you scroll in the grid, SuperTables will recalculate the height of the displayed rows. This is delayed by 200ms for performance benefits

    • Data Changed: whenever you use Tableau filters to update the datasheet, SuperTables will recalculate the row height This is delayed by 200ms for performance benefits

[1.19.2] - 10-12-2020


  • Fixed issue where popup was not triggered when using dual axis worksheets.

[1.19.1] - 04-12-2020


  • Fixed dynamic row height and dynamic column header height after last major update.

[1.19.0] - 27-11-2020


  • Upgraded internal core to 24.0.0 fixing lots of bugs under the hood.

  • Beautiful new modern theme

  • Support for RTL languages

  • Improved UI

  • Pivot mode: Improvements, bugfixes and extra features such as row totals

  • Calculations now supports bar chart backgrounds

[1.18.5] - 24-11-2020


  • Fixed a bug where timestamps were interpreted with an hour offset on the last day of DST

[1.18.4] - 10-11-2020


  • Show SuperTables in a popup after a mark selection in any sheet you configured. This saves lots of space on the dashboard! You can use SuperTables to act as a 'more context' popup to display underlying data. Put SuperTables on a separate screen and use any sheet in your dashboard to view data in more detail.

[1.18.3] - 27-10-2020


  • You can now use mathematical operators in your fieldnames with SuperTables calculations. For example: SUM(Sales / Division A)

[1.18.2] - 07-09-2020


  • New configuration - show or hide columns and/or filters panel in the sidebar.

  • New configuration for event listeners:

    • Update on a mark selection in the datasheet

    • Update when the value of a parameter changes

    • Update when any Tableau filter or Dashboard action changed the datasheet


  • Improvements to copy with headers.

  • Dates are now getting properly exported when using the copy / exporting feature.

[1.18.1] - 24-08-2020


  • Added a Date format field on the actions tab. Dashboard actions and parameter actions will work more reliable.

[1.18.0] - 20-07-2020


  • Pagination support. By enabling this SuperTables will automatically show as many rows in each page as it can fit.

  • Totals and subtotals. Add extra analytics to your table with the new totals and subtotals feature.


  • Localization. You can now translate all strings in the front-end by using this enterprise only feature. Users will experience a native language interface.

  • Custom CSS. You can now tweak the layout of the extension by using custom css.

[1.17.1] - 09-07-2020


  • Removed the 'Reset Columns' button from the context menu. It was confusing and didn't work properly.

  • Removed the 'Reset State' button from the row context menu. It was confusing and didn't work properly.

[1.16.8] - 14-05-2020


  • Bugfix where exporting was not working when not using truncatedValues

[1.16.7] - 11-05-2020


  • Truncate values: We have added the ability to truncate values if they reach a certain value. For example truncate percentages higher than 100% to 100% and if percentages go below 0% truncate the value 0%.

  • You can configure truncating by using the new 'Truncate values above and/or below' checkbox on Measures and Calculations.


  • Improvements to configuration UI (alignments)

  • Calculation names now properly show in configuration UI

[1.16.6] - 30-04-2020


  • Group on image column.

  • New restriction: User can Anonymize

[1.16.5] - 30-04-2020


[1.16.4] - 20-04-2020


[1.16.3] - 02-04-2020


  • Improved image column layout control and description.

  • Bugfix where calculation names where not editable.

[1.16.2] - 17-03-2020


  • You can now rename all headers! Before this was only possible for calculations.

[1.16.1] - 17-03-2020


  • FIX: SuperTables reloading bug on Tableau Server when filtering or sorting for end-users. This was due to a writing issue and is fixed!

[1.16.0] - 16-03-2020


  • You can now use inline images! To use this feature you need a column with a URL to an image. Add this column to the datasheet and configure the dimension type from text to image. Add an maximum width and you are done! Make sure to add it through the columns sidebar to your SuperTable.

  • Conditional Formatting for measures now supports bar charts. You can color the background of the cell as a bar chart for a better visual understanding of the value. Calculated fields are not supported yet.

[1.15.3] - 09-03-2020


  • Date and Datetime now look better when exporting to Excel

[1.15.2] - 06-03-2020


  • Grouped column is now also saved in the state

[1.15.1] - 05-03-2020


  • Toggle sidebar on/off


  • Improved conditional formatting on grouped column

[1.15.0] - 03-03-2020


  • New configuration tab: restrictions. Limit SuperTables functionality for end users with this new tab:

    • User can adjust column width

    • User can adjust sort columns

    • User can adjust order columns

    • User can copy data

    • User can export data

  • URL actions! You can now add url actions to dimensions. Users can click on the cell content to go to a configured URL. This includes URL parameters. For example:


  • You can now use SuperTables actions on group rows

  • You can now configure colors for dimensions with up to 50 members

  • Configured colors on a dimension will now also apply when using the column as a group column

[1.14.3] - 18-02-2020


  • Added checkbox to export when grouping -1 level

  • When using multiple columns for grouping the export will now look more clean

[1.14.2] - 13-02-2020


  • Option to enable <strong>auto row height</strong> based on the contents of the cells. This options is available under the appearance tab -> layout options. Text will be wrapped automatically.


  • Fixed a bug where Pivot Headers returned undefined

[1.14.1] - 17-01-2020


  • Change alignment of cells to:

    • Auto

    • Left

    • Right

    • Center


  • Fixed format negative values not showing with Integers

[1.14.0] - 14-01-2020


  • Format negative values: -1234, (1234) and 1234-

  • Added several configuration options for pivoting:

    • date format in pivot headers

    • show/hide pivot header.


  • You can now do conditional formatting on cell backgrounds or text color

  • Text will now color between dark and light depending on the cell background color. Text will be much better readable.

  • Pivot mode improvements:

    • SuperTables will now sort on dates in pivot mode

    • Dates are now formatted specified in configuration

[1.13.3] - 18-12-2019


  • Changed default layout of grouped column in Excel export


[1.13.2] - 10-12-2019


  • Changed default theme to Tableau theme

[1.13.1] - 09-12-2019


  • Added a debounce to get proper header height calculation

[1.13.0] - 05-12-2019


  • Expand all but N function in context menu!


  • Improvements to auto column width for default and existing grids

[1.12.9] - 05-12-2019


  • Expand all but N feature for grouping

  • Added option to enable/disable 'expand all but N' in configuration under Appearance

[1.12.8] - 03-12-2019


  • Converted changelog.txt into markdown formatted variant.

  • Added about/changelog page.

  • Remove CSS outline focus on base elements.

[1.12.7] - 28-10-2019

Tableau released a new Sandboxed Extension Gallery, we have optimized SuperTables to work with this sandboxed version.


  • Time columns are now filterable on seconds.

[1.12.6] - 16-10-2019


  • licensekey moved

[1.12.5] - 16-10-2019

This release contains new UI element for configurations pane and Toggle agg menu when grouping.


  • UI in configuration pane for columns.

  • Toggle to enable / disable agg menu when grouping.

  • Ability to change default aggregation method per measure / calc


  • Numbers are right aligned.

[1.12.4] - 08-10-2019


  • Autosize column when rendering grid for first time not working well.


  • Suppress column in column toolbar. To be able to create calculations without underlying columns are visible through columns toolbar.

[1.12.3] - 27-09-2019


  • Export to Excel when grouping.

  • Header Height not resizing when grouping.

[1.12.2] - 27-09-2019

This release contains only a bugfix.


  • Fixed statusbar bug, agg in header only showing when grouping.

[1.12.1] - 27-09-2019


  • Added more animations, like sorting and collapsing / expanding rows.

  • New configuration tab for export to excel options

    • Toggle: Odd / Even background colors

    • Toggle: Skip headers in export

    • Toggle: Include header groupings

    • Toggle: Include row groupings

    • Toggle: Export visible columns only

    • Toggle: Format exported values

  • New theme: Tableau Table Layout


  • Upgraded to AG-Grid version 21.2.0.

  • Enabled charting through configuration.

  • Changed sum(sales) to sales (sum) for better reading of headernames (50% working).

  • Dynamic header heights based on longest headername.

  • Autosize all columns will also include headername in calculating size.


  • Fixed bug where enabling / disabling aggregation when grouping was not working


For the new theme the following is not working yet as of this version:

  • statusbar

  • agg for measure is always visible or always hidden

[1.11.1] - 12-09-2019


  • Fixed bug where toggle 'Show aggregated value when grouping' was not working anymore when GridState was set.

[1.11.0] - 21-08-2019


  • Add clear state option to context menu

  • Remember whether pivot mode is active


  • Remove save state from context menu (now happens automatically like it already did for parameters).

  • Parameter action allow multiple values joined by a configurable delimiter.

  • Allow multiple levels of grouping by inserting > into the group header Include column groups in exports.


  • Fix an issue where the grid would reload too often.

[1.10.0] - 13-08-2019


  • Add "Clearing the selection will" option to action configuration.

  • Add "Show aggregation function in header" option to appearance configuration.

  • Add background color gradient option.

  • Add parameter and highlight(/selection) actions.


  • Allow action filters to be cleared by deselecting all rows/check-boxes.

  • Show SuperTables version in configure dialog.


  • Fix invalid dates in Internet Explorer.

  • Fix values aggregated with avg and count not being displayed.

[1.9.0] - 18-07-2019


  • Enable column grouping and allow open/closing of column groups.

  • Enable cell color configuration for dimensions/discrete values.

  • add option to use cell background as row background color.


  • Prevent actions from applying filters to datasheet.

  • Store filter and sort state in addition to column state.

[1.8.0] - 12-06-2019


  • Feature improve export of groups and formatted values.

  • Feature overwrite default font size for Excel exports.


  • Fix aggregation (sum, min, max, avg) panel bugs.

  • Fix allow action filters to be cleared.

  • Fix "Enable checkbox to select entire row" is now enabled by default.

  • Fix action target sheet configuration bug.

[1.7.0] - 06-06-2019

  • Feature add aggregation (sum, min, max, avg) panel to status bar

  • Fix bugs introduced by ag grid updates

[1.6.0] - 17-05-2019

  • Add signup/register form to free version

  • Add prefix and suffix to number columns

[1.5.2] - 09-04-2019

  • Use localized string comparison.

  • This fixes issues when comparing differently capitalized strings.

[1.5.1] - 09-04-2019

  • Remove Ctrl+C hint from Copy Cell(s) menu item.

[1.5.0] - 28-03-2019


  • Added "Copy Cell(s)", "Copy Row(s)" and "Copy Row(s) with Headers".

  • Added config for exporting formatted or raw values.kjk


  • Updated to AG-Grid 20.0.2

  • Updated AG-Grid CSS

  • Removed "Copy" and "Copy with Headers"

  • Improved context menu: Reworked "Keep only" and "Exclude" behaviour, this was broken in various ways by updates.

  • Vertically align sorting/filtering icons.

  • Make sure header takes up the full available width.

[1.4.0] - 13-03-2019


  • Added "Enable multiline headers" in Appearance tab. This will allow columns with long headers to wrap to 2 lines.

  • Use full Tableau field name as default column tooltip.


  • Fixed styling for loading spinner in configuration panel.

[1.3.1] - 04-03-2019


  • Upgraded to AG-Grid 20.1.0.

  • Imported latest AG-Grid CSS to fix scrollbars.

  • Loading screen optimizations.


  • Bugfixes with AG-Grid version 20.1.0.

  • Fixed grouping.

  • Fixed resizing column widths.

[1.3.0] - 27-02-2019


  • Upgraded to AG-Grid version 20.0.0.

[1.2.0] - 19-02-2019


  • Make highlighting rows easier when scrolled to the right

  • Remove all Infotopics related content in the extension.

  • Enable sorting on group count/size.

  • Allow configuring the top/bottom and left/right margins in cells.


  • Improve time formatting.

  • Remember ag-grid filters when row data is changed.


  • When loading giant amount of data strange behaviour when loading

  • ag-grid is «crashing» when grouping on a date/time column

  • Change error message when no data

[1.1.2] - 30-01-2019

  • Added feature to change background color of cells.

  • Fix for timezones with an half our extra.

[1.1.1] - 16-01-2019


  • Invalid Dates showing as blank fields

  • Changed default decimal places from 0 to 2. This solves non formatted default percentages showing as 0 OR 1 instead of 0.31 OR 0.67

[1.1.0] - 15-01-2019


  • Ag-Grid will now listen to all parameter changes in the dashboard.

  • Added the option to enable checkboxes to select entire rows.


  • Where IE11 was not working properly (incompatible code).

  • Filtering on numbers now works as expected.


  • We reduced the time between updating columns and updating the parameter. This hopefully solves the bug where adjusting columns is not saved.

Last updated