Axis Labels
Enable the axis label to be shown in the view. It may be beneficial to have these turned off in the view for a larger chart in your dashboard.
Axis Measure Labels
Enable or disable your axis measure labels. Take these away will leave a clean chart where you may be able to compares your dimensions as an overview.
Tick Marks
Want a more detailed view of where you’re measures are in your Radar Chart? Add more tick marks by using the slider.
Background Opacity
Change the opacity of the gradient in your Radar Charts background. Allow your dimensions to stand out more.
Axis Opacity
Have the axis lines run clear through your chart, this may assist you in understanding your results better.
Area Opacity
Allow the measure labels to be shown through your axis by changing the opacity of the area for example.
Circles Radius
Change the size of the circle points. With many points, it may benefit you to have smaller circles in your view.
Stroke Width
Do you want thick or thin lines connecting your points? Change this here.
Axis Min Value
Set the minimum value to be shown in your view. It may be important to only show values at a certain level to get real value in your Radar Chart.
Axis Max Value
Set the maximum value to be shown in your view. You may want to compare over a range, you can easily do this here.
Reverse Axis
By default the values of the axis will start at 0 (zero) and show the numbers increasing to each axis, this can now be reversed to show the 0 (zero) value outside with the values increasing towards the centre.
Show Average
An average can be shown in your viz, this will show the average of all of the values present in your viz to give you more insight to your viz. The average color can be changed to make it stand out.
Last updated