Audits (History)

Audits allows users to roll back to a change in their data set. All changes that have been made using WriteBackExtreme are stored in an audit table. Simply click on the mark connected to your WriteBackExtreme extension, hit the history button, find the data point you wish to revert to and click that roll back button. The data point will now show that value. Roll Back is available in all modules of WriteBackExtreme. Whether you would like to use this option to take one step back or way back.

Set the appropriate permissions

Dashboard creators may wish to give more freedom to their users by allowing RollBack when adding data through WriteBackExtreme. In the management console, go to the schema tab. Use the ‘…’ menu alongside your schema to open the permissions of that particular schema.

Permissions can be set for everyone using the extension or per group. Decide which users should have the ability to Roll Back their data. Once saved, reload the extension for the changes to take place.

Use audits feature in extension

Now you’re all set up and would like to roll back to a data point. You will see the Roll Back button in the overview of the extension.

Clicking the audits button will show you the history of all changes created within the extension. Each data point will have their own drop down menu to show all changes that have been made to that data point. They will all show at what time the data was added and by which user, alongside the exact changes made at that time. When opening changes on one data point you will be able to hit the Roll Back button alongside the data you wish to revert back to, this will then render your dashboard to show this value.

On the overview screen, you will see your most recent additions. Alongside the pencil you will see a ‘…’ menu. This will give you a list of options including ‘history’ which we need here. You will see the entire history of changes to that one particular mark, where you can roll back.