
The number field support 6 different layout types all with their own use cases.

  • Progress Bar: Visual representation of completion status.

  • Slider: Allows users to select a value or range along a continuum.

  • Rating: Enables users to provide feedback by rating items.

  • Percent: Input for percentage values.

  • Currency: Specialized field for monetary amounts.

  • Number: Field for numerical input.


A very good use case for WriteBackExtreme is allowing users to rate certain dashboards using our star method. The Rating option presents a stars where users can click on each star which will then write back the score to your table, for example. Configure how many stars will be shown, size and spacing.


Convert the number to a slider, this would be ideal for users to use if a precise range isn’t necessary and an approximate would suffice.

Progress bar

As it says on the tin, users can update their dashboards using the progress bar to share their projects progress. A clear indication of how well your projects are doing.

Other options