You can format your measure as a decimal or a percentage using the dropdown menu. Input the number of decimal spaces in the 'Decimals' box. You can also add a 'Prefix' and/or a 'Suffix' in the text boxes. The prefix will appear before the word, while the suffix will appear after. For example, a prefix could add a currency symbol like '$' and a suffix could add a percentage symbol '%'.
You can change the size of the font from 50% to 150% using the dropdown menu. Changing the font size will affect all fonts within your Sankey Diagram.
Click on the circle shapes to open the color palette. You can change the color of Nodes, Links, and Headers separately using their own palette.
If you enable the headers under the "Format" tab, you can display the names of dimensions used in your Sankey Diagrams. Once enabled, you can use header aliases to change the names of dimensions displayed above the Sankey Nodes.