Nodes and Links

Format the nodes in your view to get the most value from your DrillDownTree. A powerful feature is formatting the colors to differentiate between positive and negative values. This for example can help to clearly show which products are selling for a profit or at a loss.

Change the background color of your nodes/pills using the color palette. The background color will show when the node isn’t at 100% (so it’s the benchmark for a 100% value).

Edit your node by changing the width, height, spacing and the radius of the corners of the pills/nodes. It may be possible you will have a lot of dimensions in your view, here you can edit to get the best look to match your use case.

If you have large names for the members of your dimensions that will show on the nodes/pills you can truncate your label by showing a specific amount of character you decide. It may not be important to have the full name in your view, an abbreviation will do the job. Leaving it at 0 will always show full label.

Maximum depth

Sometimes less is more and limiting the amount of dimensions shown in your DrillDownTree could be the case here. When there’s too many dimensions drilled down on you will be presented with a horizontal scroll bar, that is something you may not want to see in your viz. Ensure all dimensions stay in your view by restricting the amount of dimensions.

Truncate label

Sometimes the names of your dimensions are just too long to fit in to the view. In the configure screen of the extension, in the ‘Nodes’ section, enter the amount of characters you wish to be shown. Leaving this value at 0 will not truncate.

It is also possible to use the links to show where the positive and negative values are. When drilling down on a measure such a profit, you can see which categories or regions are or are not performing. Edit the width of the links in the text box, up to 10px.

Extension Background Color

Use the color palette to change the background color of the extension, this may be useful if you wish to blend in the DrillDownTree in the rest of your dashboard.

Sorting Default

There are many ways our users get their insight from DrillDownTree and many ways they wish to see the insight. Adding our new sort by name to have the tree displayed in the order you prefer, by measure value and now dimension name. Find this in the ‘Nodes’ tab of your extension configurations screen.

Last updated