Measure formatting
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Last updated
This set of options will let you configure the measure labels.
Show Measure Value
Without formatting
Removes all formatting from the measure value
With Formatting
Formats the measure label based on the value formatting options
Show custom calculation as percentage
If the measure is a custom calculation then it shows the custom calculation as percentage.
Show only measure value
This will remove the measure label and only shows the measure value
Percentage rouding
Controls the rounding of percentage values
Value formatting
Represents thousands
Represents Million
Represents billon
Label options
Percentage of group
Shows percentage of group in label
Percentage of total
Shows percentage of total in label
Percentage of group | percentage of total
Shows both percentage of group and percentage of total in the node label
Decimal rouding
Controls the decimal rounding
Prefix and suffix
Add a charecter or word as prefix for the measure value
Add a charectoer or word as suffix for the measure value