Upgrade guide

In this upgrade guide, you’ll find the steps to set up all Tableau extensions except for the following:

  • WritebackExtreme

  • MailScheduler

  • SuperKPIs

There are some extensions that have more configuration options before starting. The following extensions are having a more extensive installation:

  • VizSlides

  • DashboardUsage

TIP: before upgrading the production environment test the new versions on your acceptance/testing/developing environment. This is always a good practice!

Steps to upgrade

  1. Stop the service from running.

  2. Make a backup from the current version: extension-name, config.yml or .env file and other custom related files (in SuperTables custom.css and custom.js files).

  3. Replace the executable/binary file of the extension server with the new one.

  4. Check the config.yml for new configuration and/or missing configuration.

  5. Start the service again.

Change/upgrade SSL/HTTPS certificate

  1. Stop the service from running.

  2. Replace your .crt and .key or .pfx file.

  3. Run the extension-name binary on the command-line to test. When the test is successful, stop the runtime.

  4. Start the service to run it again.

Goals of upgrades

The Apps for Tableau extensions will continue to develop over time. We will add new functionality, expand possibilities and eliminate bugs. This section will explain how to upgrade your (production) instance of your Enterprise extension server. The principles of this procedure are:

  • Commands are written for the Windows executable but are equally applicable in Linux environments.

  • You have access to the command prompt of the server the AppsforTableau extension server is running on.

  • You don’t have to change the trex file already distributed to your users.

Last updated