[Recommended] Via configuration (config.yml) file that’s on the same machine,
Or with command-line arguments.
Because the extension server is cross platform there are multiple binaries with
different file extensions.
Windows: extension-name.exe
Linux: extension-name
Example of a configuration file config.yml:
—## This configuration file will be used for building as well.## Configuration will be merged into the options/arguments list.## In production there will be a more stripped versionserver:## Host includes port if necessary. Do not include when running on :80 or :443## example: extension.company.comhost:localhost:8000## Set custom base path for the extension on a domain “custom-extension” e.g.## localhost:8080/custom-extension/base:/## Enable HTTPS for the webserver can be done here## In case you want to use the .pfx certificate## uncomment the `key` and `cert` property, using #https:# key: ../ssl/localhost.key## or localhost.cert# cert: ../ssl/localhost.crt## or when on windows and want to use a .pfx file# pfx: ../ssl/localhost.pfx# passphrase: some-passphrase## Change the license configurationlicense:## When not set, it will check for a `license.lic` or `LICENSE` file and## load license in the current directory.Example in current folder:# file: ./license.licExample in different folder:# file: ../enterprise_licenses/license.lic
All options for using the extension server in command-line mode, without config:
Usage:super-tables [options]Options:–config [config] Change config file. Yaml formatted file.-l,–license [file] Use license file. Do not use when next to binary.-s,–static [path…] Add static routes to serve directly. Runtime static files. Path must be relative from the binary directory.-b,–base [base-path] Base path to serve from.–debugRuntheapplicationindebugmode.-h,–host [port] The host of the domain with port.. (default:“:8000”)–key [key] Relative path `key`fileforSSL.requires–certtobepassed.–cert [cert] Relative path `cert`fileforSSL.requires–keytobepassed.–pfx [pfx] Relative path to Windows PFX file for SSL/HTTPS. requires –passphrase to be passed.–passphrase [passphrase] Relative path passphrase for .pfx and encrypted .key files for SSL/HTTPS. requires –pfx or –key to be passed.–helpDisplayhelpforcommand
Please note that this example can change in upcoming versions.