Configure the HierarchyFilter

So we managed to prepare our datasheet for the dimensional data model with the Hierarchy structure we want to use. We also set up a dashboard containing the HierarchyFilter extension. The next thing we need to do is configure the extension to use/visualize the hierarchy and make the dashboard interactive.

To enter the configuration screen, select the container of the HierarchyFilter extension and from the dropdown context menu select “Configure” as shown in the below image (click to enlarge).

Configuration wizard

A configuration menu will pop up. The configuration consists of wizard-like steps, indicated at the top of the screen. This is shown in the example below.

In this part of the Product Guide we discussed the dimensional model so we select the (default option) “Dimensional” from the startscreen of the configurtion wizard. Now when we press “Next” we move on to connecting the extension to the datasheet. In the screen below you see the second step of the wizard.

The marked areas need to be completed. First you select the “Dimensional dataset” sheet containing our Hierarchy data. The extension will read its content and from the second dropdown you select the ID collumn which we named “Product-ID”. It is important to fill the third field with the separator we used to separate the dimensions of our hierarchy. In this exampole we used the PIPE symbol “|”, the vertical line. The bottom part of this wizard screen shows the dimensions that were detected by the extension. You can choose which extensions you want to use in your Hierarchy Filter, we selected “All” dimensions that are in our Hierarchy datasheet.

Next step of the configuration we will set the interactions and connect to the parameters we created.

Again we have to enter some of the options we configured before. First of all we need to set the “suffix” we used for the parameters that we configured earlier. These parameters will automatically be detected and once your parameters show up correctly the will store the information of the selected marks in the HierarchyFilter extension. This way you can use the information of the selected node(s) in your Hierarchy filter in the rest of your dashboard using these parameters in your calculations and configurations.

Next, using a string parameter, you can use the “Persist State” setting to set up HierarchyFilter to remember the current selection when moving between dashboards. The state is meaning the collapsed and uncollapsed layout and the selected node. While using the dashboard, the parameter will update to maintain the current state. When opening a new instance of the dashboard (different user, platform, etc), the parameter will open in the state it was in at the time the workbook was published. When loading the dashboard from scratch, the parameter (and thus the state) will be based on the state of HierarchyFilter at the moment the workbook was published.

Last but not least on this wizard page you can configure if you want the Hierarchy filter to interact with the rest of your dashboard and if Yes what type of interaction you desire.

  1. Filter

  2. Mark selection

Performance wise we recommend using Mark Selections when working with large datasets. Below you will see the screen for the final step of your configuration wizard (appears when you press Next).

In the final step of the configuration of the HierarchyFilter you can set some lay-out options to match the appearance of the extension with the rest of your dashboard. You can enable/disable a search bar, add a title to your container, set colors and/or fonts or change the icons that are used within the extension for expanding and collapsing the hierarchy.

Once you’re satisfied with all the options you can press “Submit” and your configuration is done configuring your HierarchyFilter with the Dimensional model. You should see something like the image below and you can start exploring your hierarchy and enjoy the interactivity.

Last updated