Connecting to Data
PowerKPIs is designed for two different use cases. While value driver trees display different KPIs, decomposition trees drill into one specific metric.
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PowerKPIs is designed for two different use cases. While value driver trees display different KPIs, decomposition trees drill into one specific metric.
Last updated
PowerKPIs support all common data structures around KPI reporting and can handle different periods and scenarios with ease.
Value Driver Trees
Value Driver Trees typically require a specific data source, where each KPI can have one or more child items and usually a single top-level parent. Use the Recursive (Parent-Child) option when the hierarchy is defined in your datasource through two columns representing the parent-child relationship. Make sure that the parent of your top-level KPI is NULL. Map these two columns to the KPI and the Parent KPI field. This setting will allow you to define each member of the tree specifically.
Use the Dimensional option when the hierarchy is materialized in different columns in your data source. Define the tree by adding as many of these columns as needed, and the root KPI will be defined in the extension. Decomposition Trees drill into one specific KPI, so the settings for each card of the tree are identical.
PowerKPIs require a date field. Dates can be dateparts, datetruncs, or exact dates.