Last updated
Last updated
Now you can make comments. Select a cell and add a comment.
Select the cell
Open the side pane
Click 'Write comment'
Enter a comment in the textbox at the bottom of the side pane.
Hit 'Save comment'
To edit a comment, click the three dots at the top right of the comment card. Here you can add a reply, resolve the comment, edit the comment or delete the comment.
To reply to a comment, click the three dots at the top right of the comment card and hit reply.
To resolve to a comment, click the three dots at the top right of the comment card and hit resolve.
To delete to a comment, click the three dots at the top right of the comment card and hit delete.
To see comments of a cell, simply select a cell and the list will filter accordingly. If you want to see the full list again, click on 'Back to all comments'. By clicking the filter icon, you can filter the comments on:
Resolved / Unresolved
Column name
Date created
Created by
When you click on a comment, the cell the comment is added to is highlighted.